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Karna Purna Ayurvedic Ear Oil - deep relaxation  & sleep

Karna Purna Ayurvedic Ear Oil - deep relaxation & sleep

When we oil our ears regularly, we support tissues in the body that correspond specifically to our bones and nervous tissue and support our mental well-being by calming the mind.

Our hearing and overall ear health are also influenced by Prana Vayu, a type of vata dosha. When Prana Vayu flows in balance, we experience peace and calmness. Asthi dhatu, the bone tissues, and majja dhatu, or nerves, are also linked to the ears. The auditory ossicles are linked to auditory receptors or nerve endings that convert sound waves into electric signals for the brain. Oiling the ear helps manage the Prana Vayu and keeps the associated tissues healthy.

What are the benefits of Karna Purna?

As mentioned earlier, ear oiling is believed to be effective in treating infections of the ear, ringing in the ears, and some forms of hearing impairments. It helps cleanse the ear canal and middle ear by pulling out any impurities in that area. It also

•Supports healthy production of earwax

•Prevents the small ear bones (ossicles) from drying out

•Relaxes and grounds

•Calms the mind and soothes the nervous system

•Helps deal with sleep disorders and anxiety

•Relieves headaches originating in vata imbalance

•Reduces pain in the neck and jaws.

•Balanced vata means clarity, calmness, balanced energy, and intelligence.

Oil must be warmed when applying and then massage the outer ear. Repeat to the other ear.

Avoid this practice if you have an ear infection or swelling, a damaged eardrum, or excess ear wax. Consult with your Ayurvedic practitioner or doctor if questions.

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